Galeria da Gávea presents portraits of the photographers Ana Stewart, Bina Fonyat, Celso Brandão, Luiz Braga, Pedro Vasquez and Rogério Reis. One of the common principles that bring these images closer is what the Straight Photography called direct, clear, objective representation but, at the same time, instilled by the subjectivity and the personal expression of each author. We also find in the notable straightforwardness of the portraits of each one of these artists, singular aspects of our culture, perceivable in the representations not stereotyped of the Amazon caboclos of Luiz Braga, of the popular community girls of the Carioca suburbs of Ana Stewart and of the lonely singularity of the fisherman in the Pedro Vasquez photograph; in the genuine authenticity in the Carnival revellers of Rio´s streets in the 70s of Bina Fonyat and in the search of affirmation of the individual expressiveness in the fantasies created by the characters of Na Lona essay of Rogério Reis. In the Carnaval of Celso Brandão the popular cultural identity manifestation from Alagoas is visible in the masks and the gesture theatricality of the portrayed ones. The exhibition Straight Photography, The Portrait in the Collection of Galeria da Gávea presents key aspects to understand the dialogue between local culture diversity and contemporary language of author.